Hampi Yatra

Sri Hampi Dhama Yatra Kishkinda Ksetra Hampi is a village in northern Karnataka state, and is identified with the historical Kishkinda, the Vanara (monkey) kingdom mentioned in the Ramayana. At Hampi there are many important sites related to Ramayana, namely Shabari’s cave and sacred Pampa Sarovar, where Shabari, a great devotee of Lord Ramacandra lived; Anjaneya Hill which is the Birthplace of Hanuman Ji; Yantrodharak Anjaneya Temple where Hanuman first saw Lord Rama and His brother Laxmana; Rsyamuka hill were Sugriva took shelter and lived for several years when banished by his elder brother Vali from his kingdom Kishkhinda; Maalyavant Raghunatha Swamy Temple where Lord Rama and Laxmana stayed for 4 months during the rainy season after Sugriva had been coronated on the throne; Kodanda Rama Temple where Sugriva was crowned as the King of Kishkhinda; Sugriva’s cave where Sugriva hid the jewels of mother Sita while she was been taken away by Ravana, and other places. Lord Cai...